Website address:

If you belong to a golf group that uses's League Manager (online), Handicap System (online) or Tournament Manager (online), then you have a website unique to your group. Your group's administrator can tell you the address of your website. It will be in the form "" with the "____" being your group's name or acronym.

Download and install the iPhone or Android version of the app by clicking/tapping on one of the images below.

iPhone/iPad apps

Please click on this icon:

Android phones/tablets

Please click on this icon:

Your installed icon will look like this on your phone:

Figure 1:

Set up your player app

  1. Open the app
  2. Select "Settings" from the 3-dot menu
  3. Input the address of your group's website in one of the available slots (your group's website ends in
  4. Tap the Save button
  5. Your group's website will show up (unless you have inputted more than one website in Settings)

Figure 2: